Los Angeles Climate Week: September 8-15, 2024

Join the inaugural Los Angeles Climate Week™ to collaborate, exchange ideas, and develop local climate solutions. Engage with climate organizations, policymakers, innovators, companies, and changemakers from LA and beyond on cutting-edge climate change solutions. Organized by Collidescope Foundation, in partnership with Terra.do. Special shoutout to Lara Ruder, JC Arce, and Dan Thorman for their leadership.

Learn more and register for events: https://laclimateweek.com/

Youth Climate Collaborative

⭐ And mark your calendars for Monday, September 9th, from 5:30-9:30pm PT for our event, "Shifting Climate Narratives: Transforming LA's Entertainment Industry to Catalyze Climate Action." Join our team at Youth Climate Collaborative, Entertainment + Culture Pavilion, Symbiocene, BLACK PEARL, Stranded Astronaut Productions, and Rita House in shaping the future of climate action. This event will highlight and celebrate local initiatives and visionary storytellers who are reshaping the narrative around the climate crisis, influencing mainstream culture, and driving policy changes towards a more sustainable and just society.

New York Climate Week: September 20-29, 2024

Youth Climate Collaborative

⭐Join our NYCW WhatsApp Group, for youth ages 35 and under.

⭐RECORDING COMING SOON — Join us this Friday, September 6th from 12:00-2:30pm ET, for our 9th NY Climate Week Training. This training will cover the most important content from our 5-part training, and is open to anyone, anywhere, of any age.

YCC Events To Be Announced Soon…

  1. Climate Mental Health Brain Trust Launch - Calling all professionals and collectives, especially those leading initiatives at this nexus, for a convening to share about our work and exchange lessons learned and best practices. We are launching our Brain Trust which will be a community of practice working on climate x mental health that will convene once per month to stay connected. We thought it would be great to meet in person first, and welcome you to join!

    • Tuesday, Sep 24th from 12:00-1:30 PM at 109 W 39th St. (near Bryant Park), up to 90 people

  2. Intergenerational: Collaborating Across Generations - This event is all about bringing together the wisdom of experience and fresh perspectives to dive deep into what current models of intergenerational collaboration look like, what innovation in this space means, and how practices of intergenerational collaboration can be more widely adopted. We will share existing research and case studies, ways you can support our efforts, and engage in intergenerational conversations. This is a unique 3-hour exchange of ideas, insights, and ambitions to explore how different generations can work together to advance climate solutions. Get ready to bridge the gap!

    • Tuesday, Sep 24th from 2:00-5:00 PM at 109 W 39th St. (near Bryant Park), up to 90 people

    • Request an invite here: https://lu.ma/gzvcnftb

  3. Youth Philanthropy and Participatory Grantmaking - Join other funders supporting youth and implementing participatory grantmaking methods for a facilitated discussion to share about your work, exchange lessons learned and best practices, and strengthen relationships with each other.

    • Wednesday, Sep 25th or Thursday, Sep 26th, time TBD, 1.5 hours, up to 40 people

  4. Full Day of Events to Close Out NYCW

    • Sunday, Sep 29th from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM at The Forum, Columbia University, up to 350 people

    • Topics: Climate Mental Health, Intergenerational Collaboration, AI & Youth Innovation, Entertainment + Culture for Climate Action, What’s Next? NYCW Debrief and Planning Ahead, Mix & Mingle

⭐We are looking to fundraise a minimum of $3,000 to support with event costs. If you would like to collaborate on any of the above events and/or support our team, please email me at pooja@youthcc.org or opt to make a donation via our donation page. Every dollar counts! We are looking to build relationships with those who are interested in the above topics too, so feel welcome to reach out for a conversation to get to know each other 😊

What is New York Climate Week?

New York Climate Week began in 2009 and is an annual event that takes place across New York City, with activities in person, hybrid, and online to address climate challenges, champion solutions, and foster collaboration among stakeholders to accelerate climate action. This week-long event brings together leaders of all ages and backgrounds for conferences, workshops, roundtables, and other activities aimed at raising awareness, fostering collaboration, and driving progress towards various climate and sustainable development goals. The event features discussions on topics such as renewable energy, oceans, climate policy, and environmental justice, attracting participants from all sectors. The event takes place in partnership with the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and is run in coordination with the United Nations and the City of New York. And this year, at the start of the week, the United Nations will host the Summit of the Future, focused on the needs of future generations. Climate Week provides a platform for sharing ideas, showcasing innovations, and catalyzing action to address climate change on a global scale. It is often seen as a warm-up event for the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) where delegates negotiate climate policy at the multilateral level. This year, the 29th COP, will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan from November 11th to 22nd. We will be there!

Where to Find Events, our list of lists:

More resources and links coming soon!

  • If there are any aggregated event trackers or lists we should add, please email team@youthcc.org

  • YCC NYCW Training Materials Folder

  • Database of speakers and participants for NYCW and other events who are part of our youth community, ages 35 and under

COY19 and COP29 Information to Come…